Today’s world is totally different from the one our ancestors lived in because now we have the internet, smart devices and AI. One moment you can be catching up to 4G and the next 5G and to top it off we have said hello Meta verse in 2021 one can imagine what 2022...
HOW TO BOOST YOUR Creativity during COVID-19

HOW TO BOOST YOUR Creativity during COVID-19

One way or another we have all been feeling somewhat stifled during this time. Getting up to go to work is difficult, finding inspiration is difficult; but all is not lost. Let us explore some tips on how to to keep your mind fresh and sharp. Do one Creative Thing...
What Is Deepfake and How Do You Spot One

What Is Deepfake and How Do You Spot One

We’re sure you have seen a video of someone that was manipulated. These seemingly innocent videos that started out as just pranks or for entertainment have been used more and more in mainstream media. The fact of which can be quite terrifying. Deep Fakes are...
Apple`s M1 Chip: All you need to know!

Apple`s M1 Chip: All you need to know!

If you own or have owned a computer before, you’re probably familiar with the term Intel Core and most of you chose to purchase a higher Core than the other. A core i3 over a dual-core, a Core i5 over a Core i3, and a Core i7 over a core i5. Now have you ever wondered...
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